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North Fawdon

Primary School

Maths Fluency

Fluency in Maths


Developing children's fluency in Maths is one of the aims of the National Curriculum. Part of fluency is the fast and efficient recall of facts and procedures in Maths. At North Fawdon, we work towards these skills by daily 'Maths Meetings' but would love it if you could also work together on these at home.


In Year 1 and 2, addition and subtraction number facts are learnt.



Please support us in helping your child in becoming fluent in their recall of maths skills.


Remember: it is a National Curriculum requirement that children know all of their times tables up to 12 x 12, by the end of Year 4.


You can practice these at any time at home. Apps and online maths games would be really useful in developing fluency. There are thousands of free apps available, but we would encourage your child to have 5 minutes each day on Times Tables Rockstars app. We would also like to stress how valuable it is for children to be fluent and confident in their times tables as soon as possible to help them succeed in maths.