Acronyms and Abbreviations
AfL | Assessment for Learning |
ARP | Additional Resourced Provision |
BV | British Values |
CAMHS | Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service |
CL | Communication & Language (Early Years Area of Learning) |
CPD | Continuing Professional Development |
DHT | Deputy Head Teacher |
DT | Design and Technology |
DBS | Disclosure and Barring Service (Formerly CRB check) |
DSL | Designated Safeguarding Lead |
EAL | English as an Additional Language |
EHCP | Education Health Care Plan |
EP | Educational Psychologist |
EYFS | Early Years Foundation Stage |
FGB | Full Governing Body |
GDPR | General Data Protection Regulation |
GPS or SPAG | Grammar Punctuation and Spelling |
H&S | Health & Safety |
HT | Head Teacher |
INSET | In-Service Training |
KS1 | Key Stage One – Years 1 & 2 |
KS2 | Key Stage Two – Years 3, 4, 5 & 6 |
KUW | Knowledge and Understanding of the World (Early Years Area of Learning) |
LA | Local Authority |
LAC | Looked After Child |
PCSO | Police Community Support Officer |
PD | Physical Development (Early Years) |
PP/Ever6/FSM6 | Pupils entitled to pupil premium grant |
PPA | Planning, Preparation & Assessment |
PPG | Pupil Premium Grant |
PPM | Pupil Progress Meeting |
PSED | Personal Social Emotional Development ( Early Years Area of Learning) |
PSHE | Personal Social Health Education |
RE | Religious Education |
SALT | Speech and Language Therapist |
SATs | Statutory Assessment Tests |
SEF | Self-Evaluation Form |
SEND | Special Educational Needs and Disability |
SENCo | Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator |
SIP | School Improvement Plan |
SLT | Senior Leadership Team |
SPG | Sport Premium Grant |
TA | Teaching Assistant |
TLR | Teaching and Learning Responsibility |
UW | Understanding of the World (Early Years Area of Learning) |
VA | Value Added |