Cost of Living Support
Cost of Living Support
North Fawdon Primary School
At North Fawdon, we know that many people will be facing cost of living issues, in particular due to the rise in fuel and energy bills.
We have pulled together details and links to national and local sources of advice, support and financial assistance that may be able to help you and your family. Please also be mindful of scams during this time – never give your bank details to anyone without being sure of their identity.
We hope you find this information useful should you need to use it. If you have any concerns, particularly about how cost of living issues may be affecting your child, please do contact the school on 0191 285 1350 and we will listen and aim to help as best we can.
Please note: In all instances where you have an emergency expense issue, such as paying rent, you should contact your local Citizens Advice service and the council.
School Support:
- Breakfast club – our breakfast club is free and provides a healthy nutritious start to the day for all pupils who wish to attend. It runs from 8:30am
- Uniform – our second-hand uniform stall can help save the cost of purchasing new uniform. More information from the office on 0191 285 1350 or
- Free school meals – the government’s criteria for eligibility can be viewed at We would strongly encourage all parents to apply for free school meals, even if your child intends to use a packed lunch.
- Meal vouchers during holidays
Local Support:
- Newcastle City Council can offer help in a number of different ways to support those in financial difficulty, including helping to pay for emergency costs like food and bills. Cost of living support | Newcastle City Council
- The Trussell Trust – this charity operates a network of foodbanks and provides confidential crisis support. The school can provide food vouchers for eligible parents to be exchanged for a minimum of three days’ emergency food. Available at local centres, by telephone (0808 208 2138) and online at
- Food Aid Network – in addition to Trussell Trust foodbanks, independent foodbanks may also be available near you. You can check a map for local support at
- Citizens Advice – an independent organisation specialising in confidential information and advice on legal, debt, benefit and housing problems. Available at local advice centres, by telephone (0808 223 1133) and online at
Financial Support:
- Turn2Us – a charity helping people living in poverty in the UK, specialising in information on welfare benefits and charitable grants. Available by telephone (0800 802 2000) and online at
- StepChange – the UK’s leading debt charity offering expert debt advice and free debt management. Available by telephone (0800 138 1111) and online at
- Money and Pensions Service – a government service providing impartial and free guidance on money and pensions. Available by telephone (0800 138 7777) and online at
- MoneySavingExpert – a consumer finance and discussion website focussed on providing advice and tips on how to save money, including a dedicated cost of living crisis section. Available online only at
- Migrant Families – online tool available that will help you find out what support you may be eligible for as a migrant family. Available at This forms part of the NRPF Network, available online at and through regional networks.
Household Bills and Goods:
- British Gas Energy Trust – a charitable trust providing advice on energy bills and grants paid directly to energy suppliers to help clear debts. Available online only at
- Ofcom – Ofcom has a list of available social tariffs; these are cheaper broadband and phone packages for people who claim Universal Credit, Pension Credit and some other benefits. Available online at
- CCWater – the Consumer Council for Water is a statutory consumer body for the water industry in England. They have an advice hub with information and tools to help reduce water bills and access financial schemes. Available online at (Please note: Every water company should have a social tariff scheme to help low-income families – check with your provider for more information.)
- Freecycle – a grassroots and non-profit organisation that allows people to claim household items for free. Available online at
- Family Fund (parents of disabled or seriously ill children only) – this charity provides families raising a disabled, or seriously ill, child on low incomes with wide-ranging grants for essential items, such as kitchen appliances, clothing, bedding and play equipment or technology. Available online at
- Fuel voucher – if you use a prepayment meter and cannot afford to top it up, you may be able to obtain a fuel voucher. Contact your local council for help getting one.
- Energy debt grants – a number of energy suppliers offer grants to customers in need. Check with your supplier’s website or contact them directly for more information.
Government Benefits and Support:
- Universal Credit – a monthly government payment to help with living costs for those on a low income. Available to apply online at or by telephone (0800 328 5644).
- Short Term Benefit Advance – those in urgent financial need may be able to get an advance on benefit payments, which is paid back later through benefits without interest. Find out more at
- Cost of living payments – a government support package to help mitigate the cost of living crisis. Factsheet available online at Payments are made automatically to those who are eligible so there is no need to apply – if you think you are eligible but did not receive a payment, make a report online at
Housing and Rent:
- ACORN – a community union that can provide support and advice for those who rent on housing issues and tenants’ rights. Get in touch online
- Council Tax reduction – low-income households might be able to get a council tax reduction. See if you might be eligible online at and contact your local council for more information.
- Shelter – Housing charity that runs local services. You can access their emergency helpline (0808 800 4444) and find advice online at