In 20 or 30 years, you'll be able to hold in your hand as much computing knowledge as exists now in the whole city, or even the whole world.
Douglas Engelbart (Engineer, Inventor)

Computing at North Fawdon Primary School strives to equip children, ensuring they have the skills to enable them to become digital citizens in an increasingly interconnected global society.
Growing up in an ICT-rich environment, means that children need to be provided with opportunities to experience and develop skills in its use that will help them make the most of adult life. Computing is an essential skill for life and enables children to participate more readily in a rapidly changing world.
At North Fawdon, a clear yearly overview ensures the three pillars of computing; computer science, digital literacy and information technology are taught. Careful planning and delivery of sequential links across these three pillars and year phases, helps to build a clear mental model of computing.
E-Safety is delivered throughout the year using Project EVOLVE. Year group objectives are appropriately set, helping children to safeguard their online lives.
Our curriculum offers the opportunities to:
- Represent their computational thinking using plugged and unplugged approaches
- Use and understand programming vocabulary
- Read and write code, programme and evaluate it
- Build on previous skills sequentially
- Apply their declarative and procedural knowledge to use, manipulate, create and store a range of digital artefacts (spreadsheets, presentations, videos, etc)
- Understand the history and purpose of computing and its place in the modern world
- Be responsible digital citizens- covering all strands of ‘Project Evolve’
- Be equipped with the knowledge of how to stay safe in a variety of online contexts
- Be digitally literate, can express themselves and share their ideas online
- Be aware of their digital footprint.