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Welcome to

North Fawdon

Primary School

Independent Learning



Each week, your independent learning tasks will be given on Friday and collected on Tuesday. This can be found on SeeSaw and you can ask for a paper copy from your teacher.


You will be given a Maths and English activity to be completed at home which links to your learning in class. 


You will also receive a home learning task that links with your project. This is to be handed in at the end of each half-term.


Reading is very important, and you are expected to read at home for 20 minutes each day.


If you need any support with your independent learning, speak to your class teacher.







Independent Learning Activities



Maximum Time


Daily reading

20 mins per day


Spelling practice

5 mins


English key skills

5-15 mins


Maths key skills

5-15 mins


Project (history or geography)

Not specified, open ended activity

Each half-term

Phonics (EYFS and KS1)

5 mins per day








Independent Learning Policy


1. Statement of Intent

North Fawdon Primary School (NFPS) is a vibrant, enthusiastic, forward-thinking and safe learning environment in which pupils are given every opportunity to complete a fulfilling education.


We believe that independent learning plays an important part in education and the benefit of completing work outside school must be instilled at an early age so that independent study can be achieved.


We are also aware that pupils have opportunities and experiences outside of school that are equally important in developing and enriching their lives. We will give careful consideration to ensuring independent learning is well-balanced across the school.


This policy was developed in consultation with staff members, parents and pupils, and with the full agreement of the governing board.


2. Aims

This policy aims to:

  • Develop a consistent approach to independent learning throughout the school.
  • Make sure that teaching staff, parents and pupils are aware of their responsibilities with regards to independent learning.
  • Ensure that parents understand what is expected of their child.
  • Encourage pupils to develop the responsibility and self-discipline required for independent study.
  • Embed knowledge and support pupils’ learning experiences via revision and reinforcement.
  • Work with parents and involve them in their child’s learning, and to keep them informed about the work their child is undertaking.
  • Use independent learning as a tool for raising standards of attainment.
  • Extend learning beyond the classroom.
  • Give pupils further practise and a deeper understanding of skills, knowledge and concepts learned during the school day


3. The School’s Approach to Independent learning

The school understands that setting, marking and providing feedback on independent learning is a large contributor to the workload of teachers; therefore, heads of departments and teachers will ensure that independent learning is only set to positively impact pupils’ progress.


Prior to independent learning being set, teachers will ask themselves, ‘Why am I setting this independent learning?’ and ‘How will this independent learning be useful to the pupil?’ If the answers to these questions do not reflect a positive impact on pupils’ learning, teachers will use their professional judgement and decide whether the independent learning is necessary.


Independent learning will be uploaded to an online platform (Seesaw) where pupils and parents can view independent learning tasks, reducing printing costs and the number of lost independent learning sheets.


If a teacher has a query, a member of the leadership team will offer guidance and support regarding the school’s procedures.


Teachers will explain the school’s approach to independent learning to parents at the welcome meeting held in September each year. It will also be discussed and reviewed at parent consultation meetings held each term.


Each half-term, each year group will be informed of what is expected of them with regards to independent learning and their responsibilities.


Every term, we will inform parents about the main topics and units of work being covered.


Pupils will receive independent learning on a Friday each week which will be returned the following Tuesday. In addition to the weekly tasks, there is a project-based activity to be completed each half term and daily reading and spelling practice.


Pupils’ weekly independent learning activity will be designed to take approximately 15-30 minutes, depending on the age of the pupil.


Pupils will be provided with feedback on their work each week by their class teacher. This feedback will either be a written comment or verbal.


Parents will be encouraged to discuss and difficulties their child is having with their independent learning with their class teacher. Feedback from parents about their child’s independent learning will also be welcomed by the school.


The amount of independent learning set for pupils will increase as they progress through their education.


Teachers will occasionally set extra independent learning for the whole class if they deem it beneficial.


The table below shows expected independent learning. Tasks may be set in addition to the activities shown at the top of the page.


4. Absences

If a pupil is absent from school due to illness or medical reasons, the school will not supply work for these periods – pupils should be well enough to undertake any work supplied.


There may be exceptions to the above and the classroom teacher will decide whether independent learning should be set on a case-by-case basis.


If a pupil is absent for a long period of time, the teacher and the parents of the pupil will agree on what should be done and how much help should be provided.


Catch-up support will be provided to absent pupils in order to help them catch-up with independent learning.


Absences when independent learning is set and due will be managed in line with the school’s Attendance and Absence Policy.


5. Pupils Who Fail to Complete Independent learning

All pupils will be expected to complete independent learning on time.


Teachers will keep records of pupils completing independent learning which are regularly checked.

If pupils fail to complete 4 weeks of independent learning, teachers will contact parents to find what the reason for this is.


Teachers will make efforts to support pupils who are struggling to complete independent learning and will raise any concerns regarding their pupils’ ability to complete independent learning to the headteacher and/or parents as appropriate.


Parents of pupils who persistently fail to complete independent learning activities, will be invited to school to discuss and a support plan will be implemented as required.


6. Marking Independent learning

Independent learning will be marked in accordance with the school’s Marking and Feedback Policy.


Occasionally, independent learning will be marked by providing verbal feedback to the pupil or class.


7. Pupils with SEND

A balanced approach to independent learning will be adopted for pupils with SEND, in consultation with the pupil’s parents and the SENCO.


Where appropriate, the school will set adjusted or specific tasks for pupils with SEND as outlined in their individual education plans.


While pupils with SEND may benefit from differentiated tasks separate from the independent learning received by other pupils, they will also complete as much standard independent learning as possible.


Pupils with SEND will be supported in accordance with the school’s SEND Policy.


8. Equal Opportunities

The school will ensure that it provides the full range of opportunities for all pupils, regardless of gender, sex, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity and social, cultural or religious background and beliefs.


All pupils will have equal access and inclusive rights to the curriculum regardless of their gender, race, ethnicity, disability or ability.


9. Legal Framework

This policy has due regard to all relevant statutory and good practice guidance including, but not limited to, the following:

  • DfE (2019) ‘Ways to reduce workload in your school(s)’
  • Ofsted (2022) ‘School inspection handbook’
  • Ofsted (2022) ‘School monitoring handbook’


This policy operates in conjunction with the following school policies:

  • Marking and Feedback Policy
  • Teaching and Learning Policy
  • Parent Code of Conduct
  • Behaviour Policy
  • Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Policy
  • Attendance and Absence Policy


10. Roles and responsibilities

The Headteacher and governing board will be responsible for:

  • Monitoring the effectiveness of this policy.
  • Reviewing this policy annually and making appropriate updates as required.
  • Discussing with staff the extent to which this policy is being implemented.
  • Meeting with parents and discussing the impact of independent learning as appropriate.
  • Providing parents with information about independent learning.
  • Informing new parents about this policy.
  • Monitoring the effectiveness of inclusivity and accessibility of independent learning.


Phase leads will be responsible for:

  • Ensuring all members of staff within their phase are aware of the school’s Independent Learning Policy.
  • Monitoring the effectiveness of this policy within their department and reporting their findings back to the headteacher.
  • Answering any queries that teaching staff have regarding this policy and the school’s practices.


Teachers will be responsible for:

  • Planning and setting up independent learning for pupils.
  • Providing an explanation of independent learning tasks and ensuring that all pupils understand what they have to do.
  • Ensuring all independent learning is purposeful and links directly to the curriculum.
  • Setting independent learning that is appropriate to pupils’ abilities.
  • Monitoring independent learning regularly and making sure pupils are completing it.
  • Marking independent learning and giving feedback to pupils.
  • Communicating with parents if there is a problem regarding independent learning.
  • Being available to parents and pupils for a discussion about independent learning.
  • Setting independent learning that is consistent across classes.
  • Ensuring independent learning takes equal opportunities into account and that the needs of pupils with disabilities are considered.
  • Rewarding quality work and praising pupils who regularly complete independent learning.


Parents will be responsible for:

  • Supporting and encouraging their child with regards to completing independent learning.
  • Becoming involved in their child’s independent learning and encouraging their child to have a positive attitude towards it.
  • Making sure that their child completes independent learning to a high standard and on time.
  • Providing suitable conditions and resources for their child to complete independent learning.
  • Informing teachers of any issues that may arise and co-operating with the school to find a solution.
  • Keeping the school informed of any change in circumstances which may affect their child’s learning and ability to complete independent learning effectively.
  • Encouraging their child to discuss independent learning and feedback from teachers.


Pupils will be responsible for:

  • Taking responsibility for their own learning and submitting completed work in a timely manner.
  • Having a positive approach towards independent learning.
  • Putting the same effort into independent learning as class work.
  • Making sure they understand the tasks that have been set and seeking clarification if required.
  • Ensuring that they have everything they need to complete independent learning and returning to school all books and stationery needed to complete their independent learning.
  • Taking pride in the presentation and content of their independent learning and performing to the best of their abilities.