Key Stage 2 SATS Information for Parents & Carers
During Spring term, Year 6 children will take the Standardised Assessment Tests (SATs) process.
In July, once the papers have been marked by the DFE, Year 6 children will be given scaled scores. You will be given your child’s raw score (the actual number of marks they get), alongside their scaled score and whether they have reached the national average. The score needed to reach the national average is a scaled score of 100.
All children in Year 6 across the country will go through the same process and be tested in:
- Reading,
- Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar,
- Maths.
The reading test will be a single paper with questions based on three texts. Your child will have one hour, including reading time, to complete the test. There will be a selection of question types, including: ranking/ordering, labelling and open-ended response questions. The children are used to these types of questions through our Guided Reading sessions, homework and undergoing practice papers.
English Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling (SPaG)
The grammar, punctuation and spelling test will consist of two parts: a grammar and punctuation paper requiring short answers, lasting 45 minutes, and an aural spelling test of 20 words, lasting around 15 minutes.
Children will sit three papers in maths: Paper 1: arithmetic (30 minutes). Papers 2 and 3: reasoning (40 minutes per paper). Paper 1 will consist of fixed response questions, where children have to give the correct answer to calculations, including long multiplication and division. Papers 2 and 3 will involve a number of longer questions.
The Class Teacher will assess your child’s writing to determine whether there is evidence they are working at the expected standard. The writing is moderated with other schools within the Trust and sometimes also the Local Authority.
At North Fawdon Primary School, we will organise the tests as laid out in the Government guidance:
If you have any questions regarding KS2 tests, please speak to the Class Teacher.
Please click on the links below for SATS information for parents: