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North Fawdon Primary School home page

Welcome to

North Fawdon

Primary School


Our Curriculum Pledge:


‘We want to ensure all children access an outstanding curriculum’


Our curriculum:

  • Promotes a passion and excitement for learning.
  • Is underpinned by clear aims, values and purpose.
  • Through creativity, is inclusive, engaging and stimulating.
  • Challenges all children of all abilities and meets individual needs.
  • Develops resilience in all learners.
  • Promotes the importance of core values and life skills.
  • Is flexible and has no boundaries.
  • Exposes children to rich first-hand purposeful experiences (that they would otherwise not experience).
  • Allows all children to thrive and give them the best possible chance to develop into successful adults.
  • Prepares children for an ever-changing future with a local, national and international dimension.

Curriculum Intent at North Fawdon

Curriculum Drivers

Our Curriculum Drivers are elements that are central to our school vision and ethos.  They help to drive and shape the curriculum and are incorporated across subjects.  They guide the direction and development of all areas of school life and ensure our curriculum is enriched and personalised in order to meet the needs, interests and ambitions of our children and families. 

The National Curriculum