Supporting at Home
Maths at Home
There are many ways to practice maths at home whether you are a maths whiz or not confident in your own abilities.
Number bonds
Number bonds are pairs of numbers that add together to make a given number. For example, 7 and 3 or 1 and 9 are number bonds to 10, whereas 26 and 74 or 42 and 58 are number pairs to 100.
Number bonds to 10 are particularly important and easy to practice at home.
Practice number bonds to 10 using a ten frame. Make them by cutting the last two egg cups from a dozen sized egg box. There should be two rows of five egg cups in each row, making a ten frame.
Using two different coloured counters, buttons or pasta use the ten frame to explore number bonds to 10. For example, 10 is the same as 6 red buttons and 4 blue buttons. Children should see that 6 and 4 is 10 because the ten frame will be full.
A number pairs activity can be adapted for all ages and levels.
- For younger children, number pairs can be looked at for any given number, for example, the number 5 can be 2 and 3 or 4 and 1. Parents can make a five frame using the egg carton.
- For older children, look at greater numbers, decimal or fraction pairs to 1.
Quick and simple maths activities
· Prove it! Rather than just expecting your child to find the answer and telling them if they are right or not, ask them to also provide proof and explain how they know their answer is correct.
· Mentally add up the shopping list in the supermarket. Here’s a tip: make sure you put a few things back to give your child some subtraction practice.
· Baking and cooking. To extend this activity further they can double or halve recipes, or only give them certain measuring cups to use.
. Shape hunts. Spot 2-D and 3-D shapes throughout the house or when you are out and about. This can be extended for older children to discuss properties of shapes. If you are not sure, ask them to explain and describe what the different properties of shapes are, it will only help them develop a deeper understanding.
Connect maths to everyday life, distance to school, time until dinner or how to share the pudding equally.
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