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North Fawdon

Primary School

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium

Strategy Statement


This statement details our school’s use of pupil premium (and recovery premium) funding to help improve the attainment of our disadvantaged pupils.

It outlines our pupil premium strategy, how we intend to spend the funding in this academic year and the outcomes for disadvantaged pupils last academic year.


School overview



Number of pupils in school


Proportion (%) of pupil premium eligible pupils

55% (92)

Academic year/years that our current pupil premium strategy plan covers (3 year plans are recommended)


Date this statement was published


Date on which it will be reviewed

October 2023

Statement authorised by

Emma Elliott Headteacher

Pupil premium lead

Janine Quinn

Deputy Head Teacher

Governor / Trustee lead

Jan Caisley


Funding overview



Pupil premium funding allocation this academic year


Recovery premium funding allocation this academic year


Pupil premium (and recovery premium*) funding carried forward from previous years (enter £0 if not applicable)

*Recovery premium received in academic year 2021 to 2022 can be carried forward to academic year 2022 to 2023. Recovery premium received in academic year 2022 to 2023 cannot be carried forward to 2023 to 2024.


Total budget for this academic year

If your school is an academy in a trust that pools this funding, state the amount available to your school this academic year



Part A: Pupil premium strategy plan

Statement of intent


Our intention is that all pupils will achieve, develop ambitions and achieve their dreams regardless of their background or challenges they face. The focus of our pupil premium strategy is to support disadvantaged pupils to be successful and make good progress.

Many of our initiatives are whole-school focused as we have such a high proportion of Pupil Premium children. We consider the challenges faced by our disadvantaged pupils and focus on specific provisions and outcomes for all.


We will address pupil premium spending through a tiered approach that consists of high quality teaching, targeted support and wider school strategies. Quality first teaching will be at the heart of our approach and focus on areas in which our disadvantage pupils require support in. This will positively impact on the disadvantaged pupils’ attainment and progress and will also benefit our non-disadvantaged pupils. Our intended outcomes below will support and sustain progress improvements for all pupils.


Our strategy is also integral to wider school plans for education recovery, notably in its targeted support through the National Tutoring Programme for pupils whose education has been worst affected, including non-disadvantaged pupils.   


Our approach will be responsive to common challenges and individual needs, rooted in robust diagnostic assessment, not assumptions about the impact of disadvantage. The approaches we have adopted complement each other to help pupils excel.


To ensure we are effective in our strategy approach we have the following objectives:

  • Disadvantaged pupils achieve closer to National averages in reading, writing and maths across Early Years, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. 
  • Provide exposure to life and cultural experiences which impact on curriculum understanding and improves attainment across the primary phase.
  • Increase attendance for disadvantaged pupils and reduced persistent absence.
  • Pupils feel safe and well supported emotionally and develop positive coping strategies.


Pupils have high aspirations for their future.



This details the key challenges to achievement that we have identified among our disadvantaged pupils.


Challenge number

Detail of challenge


Pupils start school with below or significantly below average baselines which impacts on their outcomes as they move through school in reading, writing and maths.


Pupils start school with below or significantly below baselines in communication & language. This impacts on their outcomes across the curriculum as they move through school.


COVID pandemic has impacted negatively on pupils’ stamina and coverage of the curriculum.


Limited life and cultural experiences for some of our children limits the understanding of some curriculum areas.


Some of our children are not resilient and due to life circumstances, they do not have positive coping strategies.


Some of our families need support and encouragement to ensure attendance stays at 96% and above.


Children are not exposed to a range of career pathways and therefore struggle to imagine themselves in a variety of roles in the future.


Intended outcomes

This explains the outcomes we are aiming for by the end of our current strategy plan, and how we will measure whether they have been achieved.


Intended outcome

Success criteria

Pupils achieve a higher standard at the end of primary phases (EYs/KS1/KS2) in reading and writing.

  • Implementation of the Talk for Writing project across school Nursery-Year 6
  • Reading is at the heart of our school curriculum
  • Teaching texts mapped out to ensure exposure to high quality texts throughout school
  • Implementation of class read aloud dedicated slot x4 weekly
  • Implementation of dedicated guided reading slot within timetable x4 weekly
  • Implementation of regular discrete handwriting sessions

Pupils develop a love of reading

  • Introduction of whole school library
  • School reading spine established to develop pleasure for reading
  • Classroom environments are reading rich and encourage book talk
  • Opportunities to engage with authors

Pupils achieve a higher standard at the end of primary phases (EYs/KS1/KS2) in maths

  • Implementation of the maths mastery project
  • Math lessons have a clear structure to enable pupils to work through fluency, reasoning & problem-solving tasks
  • Manipulatives are used regularly to enable pupils to explore maths concepts
  • Pupils are exposed to maths concepts in lots of different ways
  • Pupils are resilient and believe in the ‘Power of Yet’

A greater number of pupils achieve ARE (Age Related Expectation) at end of year with a greater percentage achieving greater depth within the expected standard

  • Appropriate, targeted interventions are in place and respond effectively to assessment needs.
  • Intervention resources are high quality and respond to need.
  • Interventions are well planned for, respond to assessment needs and are delivered by skilled practitioners.
  • Teachers are able to identify barriers to learning and put appropriate action plans in place to support.
  • Staff alongside the Assessment Lead scrutinise data and impact of interventions half termly to put new actions in place.

Improved oracy skills in pupils

  • Early Years language assessments identify a marked improvement of children’s language and oracy skills.
  • Modelled oracy is regularly provided to pupils across school.
  • Teachers use the Oracy Framework to build in oracy opportunities across the curriculum.
  • A focus on performance and delivery improves children’s confidence and vocabulary acquisition.
  • Talk for Writing project increases children’s application of vocabulary.

Children who need regulation and mental health support have access to tier 1 services – school counselling

  • A fully trained counsellor is in post for one full day per week.

Children have a space to use to support emotional regulation.

  • A purpose-built area within school acts as a nurture room which allows children to access a calm environment and use strategies to support wellbeing and mental health.

High quality, early intervention is provided to families in need to promote positive parenting and develop a healthy family home life.

  • Experienced family support worker (FSW) is employed three days per week to support families and pupils.
  • FSW can signpost families to external support where required.
  • Vulnerable learners are identified and supported by FSW and senior leadership team.

Disadvantaged pupils attendance improves and fewer disadvantaged pupils are persistent absentees.

  • Employment of a school Attendance Welfare Officer who monitors attendance weekly and swift action for those falling below thresholds. 
  • Support is offered to families of pupils who fall below 95% by Attendance Officer alongside Family Support Worker.
  • Parent contract meetings are provided to improve attendance.
  • Fewer legal monitoring periods are required.

Pupils are provided with opportunities ‘real life’ experiences to enable them to make links in their learning and build stronger connections within the school curriculum.

  • Projects provide opportunities to make connections for all pupils.
  • Subsided visits and events allow all children to access experiences that will further their understanding.
  • Pupils have a greater sense of self and are more tolerant of the world in which they live in.

Pupils have higher aspirations for their future selves.

  • Pupils have knowledge about a wide range of career options.
  • The curriculum provides opportunities for pupils to learn about careers through purposeful projects.
  • Opportunities to visit or have visitors in to discuss their job role and its responsibilities are provided.
  • Pupil voice captures a wider range of career pathway aspirations.
  • Specific projects are completed within certain year groups that enable pupils to have opportunities to ‘dream big’.


Activity in this academic year

This details how we intend to spend our pupil premium (and recovery premium) funding this academic year to address the challenges listed above.


Teaching (for example, CPD, recruitment and retention)

Budgeted cost: £13,840



Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Implement & embed the Talk for Writing whole school project


Preparing for Literacy EYFS

Improving Literacy in KS1

Improving Literacy in KS2

1, 2, 3

Implement & embed Maths Mastery whole school project including implementing Mastering Number in Early Years and Key Stage One

The DfE non-statutory guidance:

Maths_guidance_KS_1_and_2.pdf (


Improving Mathematics in Key Stages 2 and 3

1, 3, 5

Establish & implement The Oracy Framework from Voice21 Programme within Early Years/Key Stage One


Oral language interventions | Toolkit Strand | Education Endowment Foundation | EEF

Why oracy matters_Voice 21

1, 2

Continue to embed Read, Write, Inc. (a DfE validated phonics programme) to secure stronger phonics teaching for all pupils. Include the purchase of RWI book bag books to support reading development at home.


Phonics | Toolkit Strand | Education Endowment Foundation | EEF


Support the delivery of interventions by providing quality CPD to teaching assistants that responds to need.


Making best use of Teaching Assistants

1, 2, 3

Implementation of a concept driven curriculum that enables pupils to make links and connections in learning.





Targeted academic support (for example, tutoring, one-to-one support, structured interventions)

Budgeted cost: £ 90,541



Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Engaging with the National Tutoring Pro-gramme to provide a blend of tuition, mentoring and school-led tutoring for pupils whose education has been most impacted by the pandemic.


One to one tuition | EEF (

And in small groups:

Small group tuition | Toolkit Strand | Education Endowment Foundation | EEF

1, 3

Provide targeted interventions to pupils that respond directly to assessment needs.


Making best use of Teaching Assistants

1, 2, 3


Wider strategies (for example, related to attendance, behaviour, wellbeing)

Budgeted cost: £42,460


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Family Support Worker employed three days per week


EEF Behaviour Interventions

5, 6

Embedding principles of good practice set out in the DfE’s Improving School Attendance advice.

Attendance Officer employed one morning per week

The DfE guidance has been informed by engagement with schools that have significantly reduced levels of absence and persistent absence.


School counsellor employed one day per week


EEF_S&E Learning


Introduction of trained emotionally available adult. Responding to and supporting the emotional and mental health needs of pupils. Use of the nurture room as a base and use of specialised resources to support regulation and sensory needs.


Supporting Children & Young People's Mental Health & Wellbeing


Introduction of a whole school library area to promote reading for pleasure.

National Literacy Trust:

The Future of Primary School Libraries

1, 2, 3, 4, 7


Total budgeted cost: £146,841


Part B: Review of the previous academic year


Outcomes for disadvantaged pupils


We have completed the first year of the Talk for Writing journey. During a project lead meeting, North Fawdon’s English and EYFS ‘floor books’ were praised by Carol and teams from other schools as being particularly strong examples of the teaching sequence and outcomes of the Talk for Writing approach. A long-term plan has been created to show progression and genre coverage across the school.


All staff have shared the positives they have witnessed in the classroom from the project particularly around vocabulary acquisition and the impact it has had on pupils imagination and reading. Year 2 had an increase in the number of correct vocabulary question answers within the SATs reading paper from baseline paper in October to completing their final one in May.


Whilst writing figures have not seen the impact yet, the structure of the programme and further time will hopefully yield good results for future data.


The mastery approach is enabling teachers to identify gaps and allows for interventions to be timely and targeted linked directly to the demand required to be successful in the subject. Increased teacher subject and pedagogical knowledge to improve teaching, using different representations in maths, improved mathematical vocabulary and developing children’s resilience will enable them to adapt to the changing demands of the subject.


The Lively Project worked with 6 pupils in Early Years to develop language over 5 months. 13 children were accessed and 6 were selected to meet the criteria.

67% (4/6) achieved the expected standard in communication and language at the end of the year. The 2 pupils who did not achieve were identified as having a significant barrier and referrals to speech and language were made. Both children are now on the SEND register.


Talk for Writing enabled Early Years pupils vocabulary and language skills to develop and provided opportunities for oral rehearsal to be a timetabled part of daily practise.


Read, Write Inc. (RWI) continues to be our phonics programme and has been monitored and adapted well to ensure the possible outcomes for Early Years and Key Stage One. In addition, RWI is used as an intervention for Key Stage Two pupils who did not pass their phonics screening at the end of year 2. RWI assessments are completed half termly for all pupils using the programme. This enable progress to be monitored and groupings to be adjusted to best suit need.


At baseline in September 2021, 61% (14/23) were targeted to pass the phonics screening check in Year 1. Of that 55% (6/11) were disadvantaged pupils. The result of the Year 1 phonics screening check in June was 72% (18/25). For disadvantaged pupils the figure was 55% (6/11) targeted and 70% (7/10) achieved in June.


End of year assessments completed in academic year 2021/22:

  • Year 1 Phonics Screening Check (including Year 2 who did not pass)
  • Year 2 SATs
  • Year 4 Multiplication Check
  • Year 6 SATs

Disadvantaged figures 2021/22:

GLD achieved

Year 1 phonics

Year 2 phonics











Year 1







Year 2







Year 3







Year 4







Year 5







Year 6








Rigorous progress meetings were held throughout the year with the Assessment Lead in order to identify pupils on track and not on track. The RAG tool on the Smart trackers continued to prove very beneficial to support in the identification of intervention level required. Those meetings helped to inform interventions, and these were reviewed half termly to ensure progress.


Following on from the progress meetings, the assessment lead worked alongside the SENDCo, using the Cause for Concern spreadsheet, to identify pathways and create action plans for those pupils who were not on track.



90 pupils received tutoring through engagement with the National Tutoring Programme and school-led tutoring in 2021/22. Of those 90 pupils, 65 (72%) were pupil premium.

Of the 65 disadvantaged pupils who received tutoring, 47 (72%) made expected or above progress from their start points. 4 of those pupils (6%) achieved above expected progress.


The nurture room has been created and resourced to provide a dedicated space for children to use when they are in emotional dysregulation. Resources have been sourced carefully and the room has been created with input from Sarah Brooks (educational psychologist). Rebecca Higgins has been identified as the emotionally available adult to work in this area and respond to needs in the academic year 2022/23.


The Nook has been created as a space to hold counselling weekly and as an additional space for professionals to work/meet with pupils. The room has been repurposed from an office to provide a calm, welcoming, home like feel. Our school counsellor will be based here every Thursday in academic year 2022/23.


10 pupils accessed school counselling with Gail from Road Centre. All 10 pupils were disadvantaged. 2 of those pupils ended counselling sessions in school to access counselling from a specialised domestic violence counsellor as part of their Child Protection Plan.


Our school family support worker is employed 3 days per week and during academic year 2021/22 worked with 39 disadvantaged families. Sam Dixon continues to provide families with early intervention support around behaviour, routines and boundaries, school transfers, secondary applications, family support and attendance. She liaises with external services to support families with mental health, benefits, finances, housing, domestic violence and SEND. In addition, Sam is part of core groups that provide support to families on Early Help plans, Child in Need and Child Protection.


The vulnerable learners list is in place and is regularly reviewed by family support and senior leaders to ensure it is up to date and enable pupils to achieve positive outcomes.


Overall attendance in 2021/22 for disadvantaged pupils was 90% compared to non-disadvantaged pupils who were at 93.1%. This is lower than our target figure and will remain a continued focus of our strategy plan to increase the figure to closer to 96%. Monitoring of all pupils is undertaken by all staff with the support of Claire Gardner (attendance officer). Within the plan for this academic year, we have implemented an attendance flow chart to best support and improve attendance for all pupils.


Whole school library space has been created. The computing area has been repurposed in order to facilitate this. Half of the books to stock the library have been purchased. This has been a large undertaking as we have ensured the books, we provide are high-quality and support pleasure for reading. Funding is being sourced to complete the library area, with a view the space will be completed in academic year 2022/23 so we can begin to use with pupils and parents.