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North Fawdon

Primary School

Year 6 Leavers 2020

A Message for Year Six
As the sun goes down on the school yard today
The North Fawdon teachers have something to say
To our brilliant Y6 pupils some big, some small,
Who will miss the leaver’s assembly in our school hall
We had magnificent plans and things we were going to do
But our time was cut short –who would have knew
That a virus that was half a world away
Would travel so far and try to spoil this day
It’s only ever once that you leave Year Six
So Covid put the teachers into a terrible fix!
We still want this day to be special for you
But Mrs Faye thankfully, knows a trick or two
So click on the links and enjoy the show
See how far you have come to grow
All of our teachers shout out loud
“Our wonderful Y6 you have made us so proud!”

Year 6 Leavers 2020
