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Welcome to

North Fawdon

Primary School

Supporting at Home

The most important thing that you can do is talk to your child!


Hear it, Say it, Read it, Write it


  1. Children need to hear many good quality conversations in different contexts.
  2. The next step is to provide many opportunities for children to engage in different conversations.
  3. If they are used to hearing and saying lots of appropriate vocabulary this will support children to read and understand a wide range of language.
  4. Once children hear, say and read vocabulary a lot they will then be able to write it.


Ideas to promote this:


  • Give your child the opportunities to talk about their school day with you, what they did well and any challenges they faced
  • Share books and stories with them
  • Take part in active storytelling
  • Access our online reading system, Bug Club
  • Use the Seesaw app to support you child with their homework
  • Look on the school blog site and talk about what is going on around school
  • Talk about words and signs they see around the local area
  • Watch the film of the book and discuss what was the same and what was different which did they prefer and why?
  • Visit the local library
  • Make reading or storytelling a regular thing that happens at home


Please feel free to ask us what we are doing, or why we are doing something. We are keen to discuss the learning taking place in North Fawdon and hold termly parents evenings to share your child’s progress and discuss any queries you may have.